A huge thank you to our Major Sponsors Build7 Homes .
Their support has allowed us to launch our academy and has already lead to us reaching over 200 players throughout Central Otago.
They have supported us through the launch of our Friday night 3x3, our year 1-4 Pocket Rocket programme and provided the training reversibles for our Academy players in both Wanaka and Cromwell.
Thank you for your support and for keeping our players and coaches looking fly!
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A huge thank you to Steve Cockram from Athletic Mindset for coaching our players through the importance of nurturing and training their mindset as well as their physical.
Steve helps our athletes develop the tools to enhance their competitive and winning mentality. He helps us prepare for big tournaments and helps our athletes translate what we train in practice to their game. It is crucial our players feel confident going into Representative trials, region and national comps. Steve helps us make that leap!
Open today | 09:00 am – 06:00 pm |